10 Artful Tips for HOMER’s Adventure in Child Learning

by | Apr 17, 2020 | Creativity

And the skill is… Art! 

For this skills adventure, we’re exploring art! Art is a great way for kids to express themselves creatively. It also helps develop motor skills and accelerates brain development!

Art doesn’t just mean messy (and ridiculously fun) piles of Elmer’s glue and sequins. There are lots of ways to incorporate art into your child’s day, adding creativity to routine tasks and a little flare to focused learning time. 

Check out tips for implementing art into your child’s learning routine below! 

Focused Learning Time (15 – 30 minutes) 

Ages 2, 3-4 & 5+: HOMER’s “Let’s Draw” board is a great place to let your child’s creativity come alive! We leave the experience completely open-ended, so you and your child can decide what to create. 

Whole Body Movements (5 – 15 minutes)

Age 2-3: Create a colorful obstacle course! Color or paint a bunch of different pieces of paper (red, yellow, green, etc.) Then, post the pictures around a large space. Call out a color and challenge your child to reach the paper by hopping, skipping, twirling — you name it! 

Age 3-4: Make your own instruments! Use empty toilet paper cardboard tubes, cloth or paper, and tape to make shakers. Fill the tubes with rice or dry beans and seal them on both ends. After you’re finished, have a dance party with your new instruments!

Age 5+: Play “Musical Statues” using real masterpieces! Look up statues online, and put on some music. When the music stops, you can both try to hold the pose of a famous piece of art.

Fine Motor Activity (10 – 20 minutes)

Age 2-3: Explore symmetry art! Use shaving cream and food coloring, or paint, or jelly (whatever!) to spread all over one foldable surface. If possible, use thick paper… paper plates are a great canvas! Fold the paper in half, squish, and then open for a fun reveal! 

Age 3-4: Make some DIY jewelry! Use string to make a necklace by threading beads or pasta. Have a shoestring? Even better! 

Age 5+: Break out the crafts! Focus on activities that involve glueing, cutting in a straight line, or coloring pictures. 

Yoga or Stretching (10 – 20 minutes)

Age 2-3: Make pictures with your bodies! You can start with the prompt “I’m a…” and then fill it in with an animal or object (for example: “I’m a bird!” or “I’m a flower!”) Hold the pose for a moment before moving on to the next prompt. 

Age 3-4: Do some body geometry! Together, make a list of your favorite shapes (e.g. triangle, circle, rainbow) Then, do your best to make those shapes with your body!

Age 5+: Role play! Pretend to be a tiny seed that grew into a large flower, going through the physical process as it grows with the help of sun and water and eventually blooms! You can do the same thing with a caterpillar into a butterfly! 

Free Play (15 – 60 minutes)

Age 2-3, 3-4, and 5+: Set up a mess-free paint station with the HOMER draw board! 

Reading/Story Time (15 – 30 minutes)

Age 2-3, 3-4, and 5+: Check out some of these art-themed reading recs! 

  • Harold and The Purple Crayon
  • Harold’s Fairy Tale Color
  • The Dot
  • Sid the Science Kid: Primary Colors

Family Helping Time (10 – 20 minutes)

Age 2-3: Make directions color specific! As you ask your little one to put their toys away, practice colors (for example, “Put away all the blue toys”)

Age 3-5: Prepare a colorful breakfast together! Ask them to find foods of a certain color to gather ingredients for a healthy breakfast. 

Making Memories (20 – 30 minutes)

Age 2-3: Let your child draw something super special for today’s making memory page. Ask them to give the drawing a title and to “sign” it. Then, you can hang their masterpiece up to showcase their creativity! 

Age 3-4: Ask your child to choose their favorite drawing and record why it’s their favorite of the day. You can be their scribe! 

Age 5+: Use color to describe the feeling of the day. Try asking, “If you could be any color in the rainbow today, what would it be? Why?” Then, they can draw themselves using the color they selected. 

Snuggle Time (15 – 30 minutes)

Age 2-3: Snuggle up together and flick through a book with some pretty pictures

Age 3-4: Talk about your favorite drawings while you snuggle. What did you like about the shapes or colors?

Age 5+: Snuggle up together and take turns using your fingers to “draw” pictures on each other’s hands. Then, take turns guessing what the other has drawn

Caregiver Gets Some Work Done Time! (30-60 Minutes) 

Age 2-3: Water box painting is a great (mess-free) activity for toddlers! Get some water, a paintbrush, and let an empty box be your child’s canvas.

Age 3-4, 4-5: Let Mo Willems be the guide! Put on “Mo Willems Lunch Doodles” and have your child draw along! 


Dr. Jody Sherman LeVos
Jody has a Ph.D. in Developmental Science and more than a decade of experience in the children’s media and early learning space.