Get Your Kids to Love Reading with These 3 Easy Tips
Making your home “book-oriented environment" doesn't mean you have to give up an entire room to dedicate to books!
Your path to what matters most in early learning
Making your home “book-oriented environment" doesn't mean you have to give up an entire room to dedicate to books!
Your child has mastered the alphabet; they can name the letters, they know the order of the letters, and they know the sounds that each letter represents. So, what’s next?
Developing social skills is a big part of your toddler's development, and playdates can be a fun way to help your child connect with other kids their age. However, playdates don’t have to be just for the little ones; if you have a toddler, playdates can also help...
Bring the post office to life with this adorable DIY Mail Truck. All you'll need is a cardboard box, paint, and a few more tools listed below.
These letter prompts so you can provide another way to stay in touch! Print them on regular printer paper, and get busy writing!
Take your mail adventure to the next level with this adorable mail hat. Encourage your child to use their imagination and create a world all their own.
It is not just OK that a child wants to hear the same story repeatedly, it’s terrific! It might be a bit tedious for you, but it is extremely beneficial for your child. Parent Tip: Wanting to hear a story over and over again means that the characters and the...
Do you often ask, "How can I make my child pay attention when I try to teach the alphabet?" Well, there are two main reasons why young children fail to pay attention when adults try to teach them about the alphabet. For some children, the task seems abstract — why...
Check out this amazing playlist and have some fun listening to your favorite tunes with your kids!
Valentine's Day is all about LOVE and expressing that love through kindness!
Before coming to HOMER to work on the Learning Team, I spent 8 years as a preschool teacher in New York City. Let’s face it, the teacher’s desk can sometimes become a catchall place for everything under the sun. One of my main struggles was keeping my desk clean...
Q&A with Peggy Kaye, HOMER’s Chief Curriculum Officer Many children feel that unless they read with the fluency of adults, then they are bad readers. Other children see classmates having an easier time learning to read and it makes them insecure. Children...